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The society was registered on 6th May, 1999 by the Registrar of Societies as Kitui Biashara Sacco C/S Number 8851. Later in the year 2013, we rebranded to Bestrock Sacco through an approval by the Commissioner of Co-operative from its humble beginnings in a small rented room within Kitui Town with very minimal membership, the society currently boosts of over 2000 active members and with fully fledged office block at Winlo Complex opposite Travellers Hotel, 2nd floor, Kilungya Street.


Our vision, mission, core values and target groups

To be a financial solutions provider of choice

To mobilize member savings and offer affordable credit facilities by adapting to changing member needs through innovative and dynamic solutions.

1. Honesty.
2. Professionalism.
3. Fairness.
4. Integrity.
5. Gender Equality.
6. Transparency and Accountability
7. Team Work.
8. Commitment

Our target groups comprises of mama mbogas, jua kali artisans, boda boda riders, taxi drivers, salonists, small/medium size business men/women, hoteliers, manufacturers, sand harversters, stone cutters, industrialists, carpenters, mechanics, suppliers, civil servants, employees of government agencies and private firms, farmers, our friends in the Diaspora.